10 Beauty tips for women on the go - Dianne Caine Australia

10 Beauty tips for women on the go

Have you ever experienced a pimple breakout after a week-long trip? Pimples, white heads, black heads, and excess oil after a long trip are common for women. Even if we try our very best to take care of our skin whenever we are away from home, sometimes the good old wash, tone, and moisturize routine is not enough. 

To help you take care of your skin better during long trips, here are our best beauty tips for busy and hardworking women like you. 

1. Moisturize

If you are in your teens and 20s, you can probably get away with moisturizing atleast once a day. However, once you stepped in to your gorgeous 30s, maintaining your skin’s moisture is more important than ever. Especially when you’re travelling to a place where heat and humidity is more than what you’re used to. To keep your skin nourished, apply a rich moisturizer the night before your flight. This is to lock in plenty of moisture before you get exposed to dehydrating effects of cabin pressure or heat. 

2. Let go of the foundation

Putting on foundation before your trip may only dry up your skin faster. Instead, skip foundation and pack on an intense moisturizer or a primer. After you have landed, that’s where you apply your favourite foundation, tinted moisturiser, or BB cream. 

3. Blot oily skin away

To keep your oiliness at bay, always bring a pack of blotting papers or rice papers in your handbag. Instead of loading up on loose powder to cover the shine, dabbing out oil will keep your face shine-free but still moisturized. 

4. Skip on long-lasting lipsticks

Long-lasting lipsticks, which are usually matte finish, are extremely drying. Instead, apply a vibrant lip stain twice, let it dry between swipes, and layer with a swipe of lip gloss. Reapply the lip gloss whenever necessary throughout your trip. This method will keep you looking fresh, while avoiding chapped lips. 

5. Put on lip treatment liberally

High heat and air conditioning, whether you’re on a plane, train, or bus, can cause the lips dehydration. And dry kissers don’t look fabulous, don’t you agree? Here’s a great tip from flight attendants – always keep a jar or stick of lip treatment in your hand carry and reapply as frequent as possible to keep your smackers fresh and moisturized. 

6. Keep your hands off your face

One of the main causes of breakouts is touching your face while you travel. You can pick up all sorts of bacteria when you’re out and this can cause a number of skin problems. A good tip is to bring a mini hand wash to clean your digits frequently, especially before applying makeup. 

7. Always keep your cleanser close

Switching to a different cleanser may cause vacation breakout because it can disrupt the skin’s acid balance. If there’s only one thing that you can bring on a trip, let it be your face cleanser

8. Pack a hand cream

Commercial-grade hand soaps in public restrooms can be harsh. Having a tube of your favorite hand cream in your tote is always a good idea. 

9. Take beauty naps

Long flight? Apply an extra rich night cream on your face before you take a nap. You’ll wake feeling fresh and more relaxed. 

10. Keep hydrated

Carry in your hand bag a hydrating tonic and spray as needed, to help balance the skin’s natural pH. Choose one with Hyaluronic Acid to replenish and lock in moisture, helping to plump the skin.

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